Coc Town Hall 8 Defence Base

  1. Coc Town Hall 8 Best Defence Base
  2. Coc Town Hall 8 Layout

You’r Search for Best Th8 Base Designs ends here, because We have complied around 43 Best in the Class Town Hall 8 War, Farming, Hybrid and Trophy Layouts at one place. These Designs Are Good at Defending Dragons, Giants, Hogs and Golem attacks like Gowipe. So let’s get started without any delay. best builder hall 8 base

In this article, I will be sharing with you 12 most defensive TH8 war base layouts for clash of clans. If you are looking for strong and defensive town hall 8 war base layouts which can defend most aggressive attack strategies of th8 like Dragon, GoWiPe, so then this article has been written for you. THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! Base Link In this video I made a town hall 8 base build that will help you reach the champion l. Hey Guys, we are here to share a BEST Town Hall 8 Defense Base. In this base layout we have placed both the Town Hall and storage buildings in the safe area. And these buildings are highly guarded with Air Defenses, Wizard Towers, Geared Cannon, Geared Archer Towers, Bomb Towers and son on. This is my first town hall level 8 base defense for those of you who want to keep your trophies. If you have seen any of my previous setups, you know what to do. If you haven't, then you should go and check them out. It was an easy 3 star for the town hall 10 attacker, but really, what base can defend against that? 10 dragons level 2, 4 maxed loon in CC, King Level 2, 3 lightning spells. Dropped all 3 lightning spells on the top mortar attemting to take out 2 AD's, didn't get 1.


best th8 base link anti everything 2020

th8 base link anti everything

level 8 war base design with link anti dragon

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level 8 farming layout link


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town hall 8 war maps

COC TH8 Base Link Anti 3 Stars

One more addition into the list is a war design that can defend against both dragon and hog rider attack. so how am I saying this is an th8 layout 2019 anti everything, anti dragons and hog riders? because you can observe in the above layout there are double giant spot along with combination of bomb spots at one place to defend against hog rider attack. Whereas if you look at the placement of air defenses in this layout, you can observe there is enough space between each air defense and they are into core of the compartment.

town hall 8 layout link anti 2 star

best town hall 8 war base anti dragon

Clash of Clans Th8 Base Link Anti 2 Stars

The third layout is a best layout anti 3 stars. The first core compartment of this town hall 8 anti everything design has a very well placed traps, clan castle. This layout has good placement of spring traps, air mines, bombs. The storage’s take up the outer compartment which pulls out the time for enemy troops to enter the village mean while the defensive structures come into action.


coc th8 base link anti 3 stars

level 8 gold and elixir protection anti 3 stars

clash of clans town hall 8 war base anti govalk and dragons

loot protection layout link level 8



  • best th8 base link anti everything 2020
    • COC TH8 Base Link Anti 3 Stars

Coc Town Hall 8 Best Defence Base


Coc Town Hall 8 Layout