Oraclehomekey Oraclehomedir

  1. Oraclehomekey Oracle Home Dir
  2. Oraclehomekey Software Oracle Oraclehomedir
  3. Oracle Home Key Oraclehomedir
  4. Oraclehomekey Oraclehomedir

ORACLE_HOME refers to either:

Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Visit Stack Exchange.

  • OracleHomeKey: SOFTWARE ORACLE OracleHomeDir: 原因大概是Oracle10g的安装目录结构变了,需要在PLSQL Developer中重新配置ORACLEHOME and 'OCI Library'的目录。.
  • OracleHomeKey: OracleHomeDir: I have entered in this into the Tns Name: with a valid user/password I can connect to this Oracle DB with those same details using another tool. What's wrong with this Database Browser tool? I would have search for this in the forums but I can't see a way to do that.
  1. a directory where the Oracle software is installed; or
  2. an environment variable pointing to the directory where the Oracle software is installed.


Check current value:

Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable:

On Windows the ORACLE_HOME may also be stored in the registry:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices

Unix & Linux[edit]

OraclehomekeyOraclehomekey software oracle oraclehomedir

Check current value:

Change the ORACLE_HOME environment variable (valid for bash and ksh):

Get the value of ORACLE_HOME for a specific instance:

Note: dbhome returns result from oratab file.

Oracle home key oraclehomedir

Oraclehomekey Oracle Home Dir

Also see[edit]

Oraclehomekey Software Oracle Oraclehomedir

  • oraenv - utility to change ORACLE_HOME

Oracle Home Key Oraclehomedir

External links[edit]

Oraclehomekey Oraclehomedir

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