Protel Gerber Viewer


Download Protel Software GerbMagic v.3.3 A free Viewer for Gerber RS274x and Protel ASCII PCB files. Converts Gerber RS274x and Protel ASCII PCB to PostScript, PDF, TIFF, BMP, RID formats. High resolution Software RIP (Up to 30,000 DPI). Main Features: Vector conversion from Gerber and Protel ASCII PCB to PDF and PostScriptTM. Rasterization from Gerber and Protel ASCII PCB to TIFF, BMP and RID formats at extremely high resolution. Up to 30,000 DPI has been tested with excellent performance. Download GerbMagic - A free Viewer for Gerber RS274x and Protel ASCII PCB files. Converts Gerber RS274x and Protel ASCII PCB to PostScript, PDF, TIFF, BMP, RID formats. High resolution Software RIP(Up to 30,000 DPI). How to convent the.PCB Protel designer files into gerber file. Operation steps. 1.Open your.PCB design files on Protel software, check the integrity of the files. Here used an example.PCB file as an example. 2.Find the menu “File”, select to 'New' option. Then left-click it. 3.The “New Document” page will be occur.

Protel 99 Viewer

GTO - Gerber Top Overlay (silkscreen)
GBO - Gerber Bottom Overlay (silkscreen)
GTL - Gerber Top Signal
GBL - Gerber Bottom Signal
GTS - Gerber Top Solder Mask
GBS - Gerber Bottom Solder Mask
GTP - Gerber Top Paste Mask
GBP - Gerber Bottom Paste Mask
GM1 - Gerber Mechanical 1
GM2 - Gerber Mechanical 2
GM3 - Gerber Mechanical 3
GM4 - Gerber Mechanical 4
GDD - Gerber Drill Drawing
GD1 - Gerber Drill Drawing, Top To Mid 1
GD2 - Gerber Drill Drawing, Mid 1 To Mid 2
GDG - Gerber Drill Guide
GG1 - Gerber Drill Guide, Top To Mid 1
GG2 - Gerber Drill Guide, Mid 1 To Mid 2
GPT - Gerber Top Pad Master
GPB - Gerber Bottom Pad Master
GKO - Gerber Keepout
PO1 - Gerber Panels
REP - Report file
DRL - EIA NC Drill
DRR - NC Drill Report
APR - Aperature File

Protel Pcb

Protel technology
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